Thursday, January 3, 2008

French Indo-China favorite makes great rebound

The 2007-2008 World Beverage Competition results have been audited and verified, with the “Best of Show” award going to Domaine De Canton Ginger Cognac.

The event, the largest beverage competition in the world, is a member of the World Trade Organization and complies with all international law. It was founded on the premise that beverages should be judged on their quality and innovation rather than on the strength of their marketing, budget or sales force. Honors were given in wine, spirits, beer and non-alcoholic beverage categories.

This is anything but a new concoction. It was created years ago on the French Indo-China ginger root estate of Domaine de Canton, and first was embraced by the colonial French aristocracy in what became Vietnam. It is an 80-proof VSOP cognac infused with baby ginger, selling at a suggested retail price of $30.

The ginger comes through immediately in the zesty nose. The ginger-pepper taste relaxes a bit after the bottle is open for a while, but always reminds one of those warm ginger snaps fresh from the oven. The straw-yellow color, slight acidity, bittersweet flavoring components and tangy aftertaste make for a very unusual, refreshing liqueur.

Go here for cocktail recipes using Canton and for a list of the limited number of vendors.

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