Monday, September 22, 2008

Introducing a new feature

William M. Dowd photo illustration

So many distillers around the globe are coming up with special limited edition expressions of their craft that I'm hereby introducing a new occasional category to this site.

If you haven't guessed by the icon at right, it's called "Gotta Have."

I'm basing this item on the belief that many people interested in the spirits world are continually on the hunt for special items for their collections -- sometimes for the fun of collecting them, sometimes for the fun of showing them off to their friends and acquaintances.

Here's the first entry:

Bundaberg 101

Diageo Australia, distributor of Bundaberg Rum, is investing more than $170,000 US in the launch of the new Bundaberg 101 limited edition rum. It has been created to commemorate 101 years since the Queensland distillery was nearly destroyed by a mysterious fire on Feb. 7, 1907.

The Bundaberg Rum brand is Australia's sixth largest alcohol beverage brand. It is made from sugar cane grown in North Queensland. The company's rums are matured for at least two years.

The 700ml bottle is packaged in a gift box featuring singed edges from the lick of flames and a reproduction of a newspaper article reporting the distillery fire. Suggested retail price is $42 US. Unless you're headed to Australia, I'd suggest purchasing online after doing some comparison shopping.

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