Sunday, March 15, 2009

What will they think of next? (March edition)

This month I've rounded up a trio of cocktail recipes representing the old and the new, a mixture representative of today's cocktail scene where the very latest thing is offered on the same drinks menu as revived classics.


This is an old classic that long ago fell out of favor. Now, however, it's making a comeback, particularly on the Seattle bar scene, according to a story in the Seattle Times. The most popular bartender making it apparently is Murray Stenson at Zig Zag Café. Besides its taste, its price is a big drawing card: $4.75.

½ ounce gin
½ ounce fresh lime juice
½ ounce green Chartreuse
½ ounce maraschino liqueur

Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.


This drink, created by Jenn Philpot of Waterbar, was one of five cocktails that won the 2009 Damrak gin competition recently held in San Francisco.

Muddle 2 slices orange with skin
Dash of simple syrup
Dash of branded cherry juice
1¾ ounces Damrak and Dimmi
¾ ounce fresh grapefruit

Shake, serve up, garnished with a dark cherry.


This cocktail was created at London's Savoy Hotel in the 1950s to coincide with the production of "My Fair Lady," the musical stage play based on George Bernard Shaw's play "Pygmalion."

1½ measures gin
2 teaspoons orange juice
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon creme de fraise
1 egg white

Thoroughly shake all ingredients together with ice,, strain into cocktal glass and garmish with an orange peel.

[Go here for my archive of monthly cocktail recipe collections.]

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