Thursday, May 14, 2009

What's your drinking niche?

William M. Dowd photo

If you like finding out who shares your beverage tastes, the folks at The Harris Poll can be of some assistance.

The company has just released the findings of its online survey of 2,401 U.S. adults conducted last month.

First off, the survey found that near;ly three in ten adults (29%) drink alcohol, including beer or wine, at least once a week; 6% say they drink daily; 20% drink at least once a month; 12% say they drink several times a year; 6% drink at least once a year; 8% drink alcohol less often than once a year. However, 25% say they never drink alcohol.

Men are more likely to drink alcohol at least once a week than women are (40% vs. 19%). Women, however, are more likely to say they never drink alcohol (29% vs. 22%). Among generations, 33% of Echo Boomers (those aged 18-32) say they drink at least once a week compared to 26% of Gen Xers (those aged 33-44).

Easterners are much more likely to drink daily and at least once a week compared to other regions of the country. Thirty-seven percent of those living in the East drink alcohol at least once a week compared to 26% of Midwesterners, 28% of Southerners and 29% of Westerners. Also, 12% of Easterners drink daily compared to just 3% of both Midwesterners and Westerners.

What are they drinking?

Among those who drink alcohol at least several times a year, here's the breakdown:

• 67% drink beer
• 49% drink domestic wine
• 41% drink vodka
• 32% drink rum
• 29% drink imported wine
• 24% drink tequila
• 18% drink champagne
• 16% drink Canadian or Irish whiskey
• 15% drink bourbon
• 14% drink gin
• 14% drink cordials
• 13% drink Scotch

Full data tables and methodology are available online.

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