Sunday, August 2, 2009

Connecticut targets drinkers' wallets

Connecticut is joining the parade of financially troubled state governments looking to raise revenues by raising taxes on drinkers.

Gov. M. Jodi Rell on Thursday unveiled a new two-year budget that would raise "sin taxes" such as those on alcoholic beverages and tobacco and corporation taxes by $391 million. Those, she says, are the only taxes she'll consider.

Meanwhile, the General Assembly's two Democratic-controlled budget committees passed a proposal calling for $1.8 billion in tax increases, including higher income tax rates for wealthier taxpayers.

Connecticut, Pennsylvania and North Carolina are the only states that have not yet passed a budget for the current fiscal year.

Senate President Pro Tempore Donald E. Williams Jr., D-Brooklyn, said Friday that the governor's proposal to raise the excise tax on beer, wine and distilled spirits by 10% to raise about $8.5 million over the two years "is taxing the six pack but not the six-figure salary. This is not shared sacrifice. This is Republican-style trickle down economics."

Democrats would not raise alcohol taxes, but would hike the $2-per-pack tax on cigarettes to $2.75 to collect about $142 million over the biennium.

The Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S., the industry lobbying and educational organization, called Rell's proposed tax increase on alcohol "a bad deal for recession-weary Connecticut consumers" and said allowing alcohol sales on Sunday -- now prohibited in the state -- would provide double or triple the revenue raised by the tax increase.

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