Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Diddy + Ciroc = Smash hit

He may not hit all demographic groups, but Sean Combs --a/k/a/ Puff Daddy, then P-Diddy, now just Diddy, unless I've missed a metamorphosis or two -- connects with enough of them to help hike Ciroc vodka sales.

The pop music/clothing design mogul began promoting the French vodka just two years ago this month, and sales have increased by 400,000 cases in that period.

Combs, widely believed to have received a share of the compnay in addition to major money for his efforts, will have more products to push before long.

Mark Strachan, Ciroc marketing director, has revealed that two new flavors of the grape-based vodka will be introduced to the U.S. market in early 2010: coconut and red berry.

Ciroc is co-owned by drinks giant Diageo, which among other brans owns Ketel One and Smirnoff vodkas.

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