Saturday, July 3, 2010

Smoked salmon vodka in the running

Quick, name one export of Wasilla, Alaska, besides Sarah Palin.

Stumped? Think of something just as potent and unusual.

Uh, salmon-flavored vodka?

Right! Alaska Distillery, which had been getting a small reputation for producing a line of spirits that includes Permafrost and Frostline vodkas and an array of flavored vodkas as well as a very dry gin, has come up with the smoked salmon flavored variety, using native salmon and glacier water.

Alaska Distillery is an independent micro-distillery founded in 2005 by Alaskans Toby Foster, Scotti MacDonald, Shawn Ansley and Winston Chelf. They use glacial ice naturally harvested from the waters of Prince William Sound.

Permafrost Alaska Vodka is their signature spirit. It received the Beverage Testing Institute (BTI) Platinum Medal at the 2009 International Review of Spirits. Currently, the line of spirits is available only in Alaska and Texas, but your favorite spirits vendor might be able to get around that by going here.

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