Monday, February 7, 2011

Bitters operation moves to Brooklyn

The original recipe.
BROOKLYN, NY -- For years, the Fee Brothers operation in Rochester that makes an extensive line of bitters, was THE king of bitters in the state. Now it has some competition: Bittermens Very Small Batch Bitters.
The company, originally a Boston enterprise, was founded in 2007 by the entrepreneurial husband-wife team of Avery and Janet Glasser. They recently moved it to 216-218 Conover Street in the Red Hook section of Brooklyn, where they have found better production and distribution facilities.

The couple got involved in the boutique bitters game while living in San Francisco in early 2007. Their first commercial product was Xocolatl Mole Bitters, made from a high proof spirit and a variety of herbs, peels and spices to create an extract of a traditional Mexican cooking sauce. They then moved the operation to rented quarters in Boston, but phased that out over the past summer as they migrated the operation here.

Besides consulting with bars and restaurants looking to develop signature in-house formulations, Bittermens produces its original recipe as well as Hopped Grapefruit, ‘Elemakule Tiki, Boston Bittahs and Burlesque Bitters.

There is no retail service at their new HQ, so if Bittermens interest you you'll have to contact the Glassers directly.

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