Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Auchentoshan revs up its line and its look

Repositionings and repackagings are popping up with some regularity in the world of Scotch whiskies.

The latest is Morrison-Bowmore's unveiling of a line of expressions for its Auchentoshan whisky range along with new package design.

The range extension, hitting the market this month with debut events in London and Edinburgh, includes the Classic and 18-year-old expressions while the 12-year-old, Three Wood, and 21-year-old will all get a new look. The new bottle shape and packaging design will include a thick base bottle, which is more oval-shaped.

Karen Murray, marketing manager for Auchentoshan, told Just-Drinks.com: "We've made bold changes to the packaging design and introduced some new expressions to widen our market appeal and ultimately drive long-term and sustainable growth. It was important for us to consider existing single malt enthusiasts in the design development, while at the same time creating a look that would appeal to first time malt drinkers. The result is a design which incorporates both traditional and contemporary elements."

The new look is designed to appeal to a younger and wider audience of emerging malt consumers.

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