Friday, August 29, 2008

Ohio's first bourbon going to market

Cincinnati isn't far from Kentucky. Only the Ohio River separates them. It's close enough, in fact, that the Blue Grass State's bourbon influence is very strong, and that connection will get even stronger with the introduction of new Ohio bourbon.

Woodstone Creek Bourbon comes from a facility that began in 1999 as a family-owned microdistillery, Ohio's first. Husband and wife Don and Linda Outterson built it up since then and produce a line of wines and spirits. Their first spirit to hit the market was Cincinnati Vodka.

Woodstone also produces a five-grain bourbon and a single malt whisky that are in the aging stages now.

The Outtersons are facing the usual bureaucratic nightmares when creating a spirits business, including much of the arbitrariness others have encountered around the country. Being unable to offer tastings of your own products on-premises and not being able to sell them there, either.

Says Don Outterson:

"Woodstone has begun it's quest to change Ohio law to allow us to sell our spirits in our own gift shop and offer tastings. The surrounding states of Kentucky, West Virginia and Indiana currently have this ability. We have started a petition to send to our legislators. If you can't come to the winery to sign, send us an email at It should say something like:

" 'I believe Ohio distilleries should have the ability to sell their own manufactured, legal spirit from on-site gift shops and offer specified, taxable, servings of spirit samples without event permits. My name: –––––––––––, Date: –––––––––––, City of residence: ___________. I am over the age of 21'.

"You don't have to be a resident of Ohio. You do have to be over 21. In fact, we'd like to show Oho our average consumer is likely to be an alco-tourist who isn't going to make an additional trip to a liquor store to buy our vodka. We want them to see how much tax money they didn't get."

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